There was some debate, and also downright rebelliousness, in regards to which order the jam and cream go on the scone. Since The Actor brought them, is everyone's senior, is English, and I did it his way without being told, I tend to agree with him. Jam first, clotted cream on top. But as The Southerner is bound to say, "No matter how you put the stuff on, it'll eat."
And eat it we did!
Also, I must give credit where credit is due, and so I want to point out that four of the eight vegetables in the Summer Vegetable Soup were grown by The Southerner! That's right! He was responsible for the delicious broccoli, zucchini, celery, and spinach. The corn and potatoes came from farms on the island, and the carrots and onion came from the interior of BC, probably the Okanagan.
This is just a small bit of the bountiful broccoli harvest The Southerner has going this year. With more on the way!